a bit about me
I bring together my unique experience with business, horses, yoga, and Human Design to create both virtual and equine assisted learning experiences for busy folks who want to explore how we can slow down, reconnect to ourselves when we get off balance, and fill our lives with more of what we love.
what if those of us who are wild at heart can find a way to thrive in this modern world?
I’m A coach AND AUTHOR OF Wild Horses.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary oliver
My guess is I’m a lot like you, brought up with a narrow and specific view of what would make me happy, secure, and fulfilled.
It was just that, despite my best efforts, some part of me couldn’t comply. By the end of high school, I’d done enough people pleasing to last three lifetimes, and I couldn’t take it anymore.
After what I now lovingly refer to as my “rebellious phase”, I came up for air and gathered the courage to try going my own way.
For starters, I quit university and started a business when I was 21 (a dance studio that I still run 22 years later!) I also took up horseback riding and moved my family to an acreage outside of town, traveled to California to train as an equine assisted coach, became a yoga teacher in the middle of a pandemic…
Giving myself the freedom to follow my curiosities makes me feel like I’m living life to the fullest, bucking the system. And still, the going gets tough sometimes.
Like so many other people (and maybe you, too?), I have the tendency to over schedule, drown myself in to-do lists, get way out of alignment with my values and then wonder how in the hell I got “here”:
Overworked, starved for nature, and worried about how to use less plastic as I drive through Starbucks for another hit of cold brew.
You know the feeling… when it’s easier to have a glass of wine, plop down on the couch, and see what’s up (again) on Facebook.
But even when life feels hard, when I catch myself in that spiral of too much stress, I’m so grateful for all of the experiences that have led me to this point.
My adventures and all I’ve learned help me stay more connected to myself, despite living in a culture that prefers I do anything but. My rebellious phase continues, I guess.
Breathe. Move my body. Reflect. Rest. Get outside. Get support. Rinse and repeat.
This business was born out of the hope that the tools that have helped me most might HELP YOU, TOO.
Mostly, I want us to band together in slowing down (while still playing big), feeling more joy, and being more conscious about creating a world that feels good to live in.
Tara Mohr, the author of Playing Big, defines it simply as being more loyal to our dreams than to our fears. That is what I’m after. For myself and for everyone I work with.
I want to expand the possibilities we can see for ourselves and for each other.
Where those of us who are wild at heart come together to find our way in this modern world.
a SUBSTACK publication
What if one simple shift could make all the big stuff easier? Cultivate the courage to be still, and reclaim sacred space in your life for you with a Mindful Mornings practice. It’s a 7-day jumpstart for just $77. Offered in collaboration with Warwick Schiller Attuned Horsemanship. I hope you’ll join us!
Simple but profound mindfulness practices, for individuals and groups, supported by my magical four-legged friends. Working with horses provides a beautiful opportunity to get back in touch with yourself and the natural world around you, with something sacred that’s bigger than your day-to-day distractions.
All of my coaching engagements begin with a deep dive into your Human Design chart. Learn how to express your gifts in a meaningful way, manage your energy with more ease and flow, and make decisions in alignment with what’s most important to you. It’s like a crazy accurate personality test mixed with astrology. Curious?
more fun facts
And a bit more for my fellow naval gazers
human design: 2/4 splenic Manifestor
Dogs or Cats? Horses. After that, I’m pretty much equal opportunity.
Must Reads: If women rose rooted by sharon blackie, playing big by tara mohr, and outlander by diana gabaldon, of course.
Join The Herd
I’ll send a monthly missive to keep you posted on what’s happening around the farm—personal stories, events and workshops, cute pics of the animals… you get the idea!