Podcast: See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers

I met Heather Drummond via Lynn Carnes. And she has more trainings and certifications under her belt than I do! 😉 She’s studied Holistic Nutrition, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Orthomolecular Medicine, Various Energy Medicine techniques, Bach Flower Essences, and "The School of Life". After leaving her corporate career in service to her intuition, Heather now supports people and animals (specifically horses, dogs, and cats) with tools to reduce their stress and optimize their health. Right up my alley!

We had a fun conversation on Heather’s podcast, See’rs, Be-ers, Knowers, and Doers. If you’re into all things intuition, and you’re curious how Human Design can inform your intuitive gifts, I think you’ll enjoy!


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shoulda, coulda, woulda